Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Carrier Man Can.

Yesterday I am screwed. By the plumber. Who was also the air-con serviceman.

The same toilet which I paid RM100 for a repair was to be repaired again, since I had left enough dripping into the toilet bowl for months. It needs to stop. It only made sense. It's my home. I should have things moving on tip-top shape. So, there went RM110 for repair, which interestingly, a sum that I did not even try to negotiate for. Why??? Was I blur in the morning when he quoted me the price?

And then, he said that he does air-con service too, which is another way to say that his hired help does air-con service too. Well, since moving into this place at the end of 2000, I have never let my air-cons be serviced. Each air-con service is RM90. I am stating this down for record-keeping. If there is any other serviceman charging me cheaper, screw this handyman.

And to move my 2nd room's air con to my sauna-ish living room, it costed RM110. I'd better not be ripped off badly. And now I have a hole between my living room and my second room.

Damn, I'm gonna eat grass for days.

That said, I had a fun experience bargaining in Kek Loh Si (Pagoda) Temple recently. I was seeking for some decors to place in my room, and bumped into these Mandarin ducklings. From a RM18.50, by the time I was done walking away, I was offered by a friendly old man at the price of RM5. The same goes for my new windchime. He said RM7 but I told him I would take both the ducks and the windwhime for RM10. Take it or leave it. Okay.. so I did not exactly say that, but I did get my stuff for a tenner.


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