Sunday, February 21, 2010

Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief (2010)

Okay, I have to admit that the movie poster of Percy Jackson was cool enough that I found myself waiting for this movie to premiere. And then the day came (and yes, this blog is slow... I have been lazy), I find myself puzzled, wondering if the movie producers were aware how not unlike this story plot is like to Harry Potter. Of course, one should question the author of the series, Rick-something. I have to confess that I was looking for something to fill the void that Harry Potter has left since that the books had ended and we are in between HP suckie-movie-6 and the finale 2. But I did not know that we are settling for a Harry Potter-alike type of film.

And the funny thing too was that I could not help to see the similarity between who's-that-boy's hairstyle with the famous hairstyle of Zac Efron.

I bet he's getting enough remarks on this - to the point where I would believe he would be screaming - If I hear one more comment on Zac and me...

But seriously, I enjoyed Lightning Thief. It makes me want to read the other four books of Percy Jackson. And hopefully the movie earns enough bucks to make a sequel. But seriously, Percy with 2 mates for the good against the evil is too not-unlike Harry Potter with Hermione and what's that red-haired boy's name?

She must be thinking of Hermione could just kick her ass.

Logan Lerman (I have to googled this!) is a welcome change to those who want someone other than Harry Potter (sorry, Daniel Radcliffe!) and of course the heartthrob - Zac Efron. I hope to see more of him in this series.
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