Think of Cameron Diaz in My Best Friend's Wedding. She sucks, but she gets applause. I suck, and that's about it.

I don't know why my friends don't believe me when I tell them I don't sing. They don't. I don't mind hanging around them when they sing. I enjoy their enjoyment. But sometimes, that is not good enough. Friends, being friends, want to include me. And that's when I become worse than just feeling uneasy.
It's like they keep passing the mike to me and say,' You can. You can one.'
And I'll say, 'No I can't. I cannot sing. I sing horrible.'
And they would say, 'I also cannot sing. But I sing also.'
Which is bullshit, because they can really belt out the songs like they may have a slight chance at Malaysian Idol.
And after my refusal and their pleading, I sigh. I know what I must do. I take the mike. And I sing.
And as expected, they realize. 'Oh shit! Jonathan is telling the truth! Shit! He cannot sing one!'
But it's too late. Coz they are hearing me. I am singing.
So, when my eyes meet theirs, their silent expression of horror turns to uncomfortable smiles, pretending that they are not wrong. They try to be polite and smile to tell me that I'm ok, but I know. I suck big time.
That's why I don't do Kara-oke. It's torturing for my friends. It's torturing for me.

still feel you can actually sin...hmm :)
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