Sunday, May 2, 2010

Iron Man 2 : Needs Ironing

So, the hype was there for the return of Tony Stark and Iron Man in Iron Man 2. Despite anything, this is a movie to be watched just to see how it stands up against the good first Iron Man film. I, for one, had already learned my lesson well from Pirates of the Carribean 3, Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3 and Harry Potter 6 films to know that sequels to earlier great films did not translate to an equal or better sequel.

So, I got my ticket and watched. I tried very, very hard to bypass my growing dislike for Tony Spark's arrogance and fast-talking. But then again, I did not really see the need to follow the dialogs or arguments between Tony Spark and his pathetic Pott. I did not even see the need for the disagreement.

Man, you have to give it to this film to play a superhero in his suit drunk. You'll never catch Batman doing that. Not Superman in his red trunk. Nor Spider-man no matter how ridiculous (and fat) Tobey Mcquire was in the third installment. Tony in Iron Man suit drunk?? I wish I got my money back. He was not entertaining. He was irritating.

And there was hardly any worthy action-packed. What a waste of money.

I am not a big fan of Scarlett Johansson, but thank goodness for her role. Her less than 5 minutes fighting scene was worth the 2 hours boredom of the movie. Please say no to Iron Man 3.


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