Remember those years when Maybank has no cash or cheque deposit machines and the only way to deposit is to bear with the queue? Remember when you wamt to place a fixed deposit?
It's like you watch your live passes you by, when you wait for your turn in Maybank. Pick a number. Any number. And you can be waiting for more than an hour no matter how near or distance your number is. You know what? To be efficient and not to waste them, it feels so good if you can bring in your laundry when you are in a Maybank branch. As you wait for your turn, you can fold your clothes. Bring an iron, if you need to. While waiting, you could just iron your clothes.
And then, thanks to technology, we have more cash and cheque deposits. And thanks to technology, we have Maybank online. This really speeds things up, knowing that we don't have to deal with Maybank workers. I love the idea of e-fixed deposit.
Before, I did not mind not having an account in Maybank. I didn't care if it was supposed to be the BIGGEST bank in Malaysia then. It was digging its own grave and I prayed to see its collapse.
Unfortunately, my boss pays me through this bank, so I am kinda stuck with the account. With the online and machines, I am a contented customer now.
Except just now. I tried to call Maybank to inquire about the service charge on the cards. I waited. And waited. And waited. This is like an old dead boring storyline recycled to haunt me. And at the end, after minutes of standing by the phone and endless staring at myself through the nearest mirror, I gave up.
Maybank is Maybank.
One cannot expect an incompetent fool to be competent.