And the funny thing too was that I could not help to see the similarity between who's-that-boy's hairstyle with the famous hairstyle of Zac Efron.
I bet he's getting enough remarks on this - to the point where I would believe he would be screaming - If I hear one more comment on Zac and me...
But seriously, I enjoyed Lightning Thief. It makes me want to read the other four books of Percy Jackson. And hopefully the movie earns enough bucks to make a sequel. But seriously, Percy with 2 mates for the good against the evil is too not-unlike Harry Potter with Hermione and what's that red-haired boy's name?
She must be thinking of Hermione could just kick her ass.
Logan Lerman (I have to googled this!) is a welcome change to those who want someone other than Harry Potter (sorry, Daniel Radcliffe!) and of course the heartthrob - Zac Efron. I hope to see more of him in this series.